7 amulets to attract good luck using your hands

Aimed at the good luck amulets widely spread all over the world. These pets consist of a wide variety of materials — stone, clay or wood. Every one of the inhabitants of a particular locality had with this pet. This made his company to be successful. These lucky charms have not lost their timeliness.

the amulet of the good luck

What pet exactly bring you luck

Each person is necessary, although a small fraction of the luck for each day, for an event of such well and favorably. With the mascot of achieving success is much easier. You can receive in the life of the individual through several of the events.

  1. The need under can be the owner of the chance. Very often, these objects are located in the street near his home, on the job. Absolutely any object can become the lucky one.
  2. You can acquire the talisman. They are sold in shops that specialize in this kind of things.
  3. The best option is considered, if you make an amulet for good luck manually. Such objects are more energy-intensive.

Happy findings

The objects found at random in the street, it may be useful to you. Such amulets are gifts of the nature — small interesting stones, shells of unusual shape, plants.

The most famous of a plant that is able to bring success, it is the clover. But only one type of plants can bring good luck — the that of 4 petals.

If a person is lucky enough to find this gift of nature, sure that worth save it. The petals of the clover are often placed in the bracelets of the luck. Your fill in glass or epoxy resin, after which they are a pearl. This pet is very compact, but powerful. Bracelets play the role of decoration.

A good sign are found for the currency, especially if they are not characteristic of the region in which they are found. If the year of the minting of coins is the date of birth of the person, such warding will be even more effective, but as amulets of good fortune requires further action with them. The currency require purification by water or by the fire of the liberation of the energy of the previous owner.

Artifacts saved

It is very common that a group of amulets is an amulet of the luck of their hands. Can be of different shapes and sizes, from small and imperceptible, even to the most brilliant and original.

It all depends on the goal and the motivation of manufacturing. Slavic ancient talismans of good luck usually containing ancient runes, which exert a great influence on the human energy field.

If the person does not have experience in the creation of magical objects, it's not worth the complexes of the technology. This can lead to failure. It is better to try something simple and gradually evolving. Then the fortune will never exceed the man with the face.

Knit bracelet lucky

One of the most common of the charms is a bracelet of several threads. It is easy to make, but its effectiveness is indisputable. Amulets in the form of bracelets to bring good luck were distributed in scandinavia. They believed that even the more simple that the tissue is able to bring happiness to the man, who did the decoration.

To make a bracelet very easily. To do this you will need yarn or brightly colored tape one of those colors:

the lucky mascot
  • red;
  • blue;
  • the green.

Each color has a special meaning. In red the scandinavians have shown to how much a person wants to achieve the fulfillment of your dream. The blue color in tissue called upon the gods who have provided all possible assistance to the one who asks about the fulfillment of desires. Green thread or ribbon, meant wealth and the way of generating your.

To work the charms and bracelets of the luck, you should be prepared. Any tissue it is best to do in the crescent moon or full moon. This will load the bracelet of the energy needed.

To work it is necessary to prepare the local. The room should be well ventilated. If possible, it is best to deal with the creation of charm with its hands in the air. So you have saved in the luck to absorb the force of the air and the earth.

The thread must be connected in the form of braids, alternately torque each other. The hair should connect the close. Best if it is copper or silver. These metals have a special power, that it is intended that the wealth has come to the house.

It is best to be the decoration not in the hand, and in the ankle. Then the bracelet will be more close to the ground — he is able to absorb its infinite energy and always be a charged battery.

Bracelets, bring good luck, it is worth placing in the left half of the body, so that they can influence the energy centers of the person.

To charge a talisman made with their own hands, it is necessary during the creation process, think about how you will change the life of a person. It is necessary to work only with positive thoughts, it is not worth to concentrate the attention on the failure and the misery in this time. This may demolish the positive effect of the subject.

The charms that are woven into the luck, not worth to shoot in the leg. With it it is necessary to be constantly in contact. This will allow you to connect with the aura of the master. When the bracelet breaks or is lost, this means only one thing — he began to fulfil his function. Shortly after the loss or breakage of things should follow the event.

We choose the talisman of good luck in the work

Many people want that they had success in a particular area of life. Part of the people involved in the business, so they attempt to pick up the amulet, meant only for the good luck on the job. To make a talisman to attract money, you do not need a large amount of material.

  1. A great currency. Best for her it was foreign and new. That beautiful coin, the more potent will be the effect.
  2. Piece of cloth. It is best to try to collect the natural materials — cotton and linen. Better to let the energy of the currents, so that their work will be more effective.

It should be of a fabric of a bag that may fit selected of a coin. Flash the bag must be threads red or green. The red is associated with success, and the green with the richness.

For amulets, for the generation of wealth and good luck, were the most effective, it is necessary to have teabags characters. This may be the runes of the celts. The combination of them, placed in a bag with a coin, you can increase the flow of energy of the person, making it more successful and a hard worker.

If you put in fabric of special character — this will help to increase the sixth sense. This is very helpful for those people who negotiate and oversee the change. Intuition can help them time of taking the decision.

There are runes of wealth generation in the signs. If you embroider on fabric, you can achieve improvements of the financial situation, after multiplying his capital.

You can load the ticket of a dollar, to that attracted to the other. It is important to remember that the higher the cash value of the brand, the greater the wealth and happiness you attract to yourself.

Keep in mind that the more energy you have the money get the owner at the time of the transaction successful. Especially fortunate is considered donated the money. The ticket must be placed on the sill of the window, when she goes to fall ... the light of the moon. At this time, you must sincerely desire to increase in wealth.

bracelet of luck

We create brands from the Fortune

If the person does not have the possibility of a long time occupied in the manufacture of the pet, you can make it very easy-the amulet of the hand of the material. The most simple — to the manufacture of apotropaic cardboard.

To do this, you must take the high density material, after manufacture, he served for more time. The color of the cardboard is not important. But there are certain nuances that can bring good luck to the person: yellow, gold, brown. Serve as a magnet for good luck.

Draw on the cardboard of the brand to attract good luck is necessary, when the clock strikes midnight. It is the optimum time. At midnight, the energy of the currents change and are updated, so that the luck would change for the better.

The image that is to be applied on the amulet, made in house, is called the pentacle. It is a special sign. Shows the wheel of Fortune. This figure is intended to grab the good luck, as if you were on the bait.

After the image has been completed, it should be included in the circle. This will not let the luck of the person's hands. The symbol must be cut, trying to follow strictly the limits of a circle.

To in house to do this simple talisman more powerful and effective, it is necessary to pass upon him the rite of activation. It is worth reading about the amulet of the word, that can boost your work. There are certain spells. It is necessary, in order that the words were from the soul.

After all the actions on the cardboard out, it should be dipped in melted wax. Not only does this retain jobs, but also to charge the object of the positive energy.